From an ethical standpoint, the absence of “life skill” education directly contributes to the deterioration of self-sufficiency and the overall populational intellect. The abasement of certain students in regard to their overall future is unethical. This unethicality exists due to the inequality from their incompetence in vocational and general proficiencies. Even if the ethics of it as the right thing to do do not provide enough reasoning to the argument, the unautarchy within the population will derelictify the economy and social progression. The concept of equal opportunity has always been an integral part of the TEA, so why do all students have ineptness in this regard? The most widely accepted answer to this question lies in the corruption of past home economics classes. Larger corporations unethically enforced their own ideals in home economics classes, turning teachers into saleswomen, and students into future customers. The immorality of this has led to a decline in domestic science education.
According to the Boston Globe, as of 2013, “more than 70 percent of children” have either two working parents or a single working parent. Without parents to take on the onus of domestic science education, that function falls upon schools themselves. It is, to say the least, inequitable to force students to consume substandard, processed foods because they do not know how to prepare their own. Investigative journalist Michael Moss writes that domestic science classes were “infiltrated” by corporational greed, turning the teachers into “saleswomen” for their commodities, rather than achieving the overarching goal of basic culinary education. As we enter an era where ethical idealisms have increased predominance, the adjustment of our education system becomes imperative. Aside from the ideals of home sciences, the absence of financial literacy composes a more instrumental issue.
Repeatedly, we see students graduate bewildered by the onslaught of balancing a checkbook, paying taxes, and understanding finance and capital in general. Financial literacy is a necessity in today’s ethics-based capitalistic society. Even as taxes and finances become increasingly streamlined due to advancements in technology, some students are still left behind. Transgressions such as these fail to benefit anyone. The Concordia University of Portland specifies that monetary aspects such as paying for college, and “student loans” are often misunderstood due to a “lack of financial literacy” in the younger population. Financial literacy education programs will equip youth with the adroitness and aplomb to hold jurisdiction over their lives and develop a more secure future for themselves. It is also immoral for certain students to hold an advantage over others because of their geographical location. Many school systems require financial literacy education for their students. The students at these schools hold an advantage over others, which will impact them in their future academic careers. In 2016, FINRA reported that “60 percent of American adults” were not proffered financial education, and even fewer have taken advantage of the education offered, due to the absence of a requirement.
Overall, the absence of domestic science and financial literacy education is immoral and gives way to the decline of independence and the overall advancement of society.